Middle Years Programme (MYP)

The MYP curriculum model

Discovery College is an authorised International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) School. The MYP offers a philosophy and a curriculum framework to meet the needs of 11 to 16 year-old students. It aims to combine the best research and practice from a range of national systems and the knowledge and experiences of international schools.

It recognises the unique developmental characteristics of early adolescence, which is marked by significant physical, intellectual, emotional and moral growth and change. In recognition of this, the MYP seeks to facilitate learning experiences that are authentic, holistic, relevant, engaging and build a healthy sense of self. International-mindedness is woven through the fabric of the programme’s framework and is expressed through the IB learner profile.

The framework provides flexibility for teachers to develop teaching programmes that are responsive to needs of students who are making sense of a rapidly changing world and to make authentic connections between their learning and local, regional and international contexts.

Curriculum framework

The IB MYP has eight subject groups on the outside of the octagonal curriculum model (Figure 1). All students are expected to study from each of these subject groups, and each group is of equal value. This helps ensure that all students receive a broad and balanced education to draw upon before making decisions about subject specialisation in Years 12 and 13.The eight subject groups are:

 Language and literature (formerly Languages A)
 Language acquisition (formerly Languages B)
 Individuals and societies (formerly Humanities)
 Physical and health education (formerly Physical Education
 Design (formerly Technology)
 Arts Group (Visual Arts, Theatre and Music)

Through studying MYP subject knowledge, concepts and skills, students will also develop a broad suite of Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills.

Global Contexts
Global Contexts is the MYP’s framework for organising the curriculum’s content and skills with deep conceptual understanding. Conceptual understandings of taught content help students transfer ideas across topic areas and traditional subject boundaries. The Global Contexts build upon the knowledge and thinking skills developed through the PYP’s transdisciplinary themes.

Further information for parents and guardians

For specific questions about the MYP please contact Alison Yang (MYP Coordinator): alison.yang@dc.edu.hk


A basis for practice: Middle Years Programme, IBO (2002) Geneva

www.ibo.org – the IBO website

www.ibo.org/myp/ – Middle Years Programme at a glance

www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/ – IB learner profile